Friday, May 2, 2008

Hannah "Not-So-Disney" Cyrus

Miley Cyrus, daughter of Billie Ray Cyrus, was the star of a recent photo shoot which caused quite a bit of controversy. I'll be the first one to say that I don't like the "split personality" thing going on between her singing career and her 'Hannah Montana' schpeal, however, it's more of the fact that she's a person which makes this entire "scandle" worth getting into.

We all know her from Hannah Montana, which is a show run on the Disney network. This is the precise reason as to why fans and their parents are so upset. Anne Leibowitz is a well-known photgrapher and from the sites that I've read, she is a respectable woman, at that. The photos of her were a bit less than Disney-esque and at the same time, they were very atristic. To be completely honest, I believe that this is just another bump in the road for Disney viewers (parents) to see what life is like at their children's age and how this world is coming. Maybe they'll decide not to leave the parenting up to Disney for once and actually guard their television!

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