Saturday, May 3, 2008

"There Would BE Solar Energy!"

I'd like to point out just how nasty and crude Lewis Black can be and at the same time, I'd like to point out how disturbingly true most of all his material is. He does a bit on gay banditos. Yes. Gay men who ride around in a van like Jehovah witnesses and attack straight men with only one outcome- "gaydom." Granted, this isn't funny to many people and many people in my class will probably want to physically hurt me after reading this, but I think his point was amazing. President Bush thought that it was that gays who were making all of the trouble in America and if they would stop the American family from being torn down, there would be no more problems. "If we could stop the gays from getting married, everything else would turn out just fine. Everything would change! There would BE solar energy!" There comes a time when we need to be truthful with ourselves and realize that our country could have gone in a different direction and yet, our president chooses to keep looking for answers in all of the wrong places. Laugh about it. That's what Lewis Black does!


Kevin M said...

I got a kick out of the gay banditos bit you summarized. The reason why I find it funny--and poignant--is that it seems, as you suggest, to underlie people's irrational fears about homosexuals. There's this weird sense that homophobic people have that homosexuals have this imperialistic agenda: to take over the world and make everyone gay. How stupid! I heard it all the time as a HS teacher--some school somewhere that fired a teacher because he/she was gay, as if being in a room with a homosexual teacher would cause straight children to develop gay desires. C'mon!!!!

SaSi said...

I'm glad that you enjoyed it :)